I've finally decided to write my very own blog! I am a blog junky! I spend so many hours reading other peoples blogs but have never taken the time to finish getting my own blog online. I can daydream for hours by visiting other blogs and seeing all of the creative work and ideas! I love it and get so inspired!!!
After the week I've had I decided that it's time to use my blog to challenge myself each and everyday. It's also a great way to connect with other crafters, friends and customers!
I am not really sure what to post for this first blog. But just wanted to share an updated picture of our princess who just turned the big "1" on January 1!!!!! We are having the time of our lives as parents! What a blessing! Avery Grace truly is my "Saving Grace"! She has been the laughter and joy that I've needed as my life has slowed down after closing the store. I truly think she saved me because I was just working myself silly. It's been hard many days for me, being the busy body that I am, trying to find my way while staying at home. But, I've tried a few different things and everything is starting to fall into place. The most important thing is that I've been there for Avery. I would of missed all of her 1st year if I would have kept up that extremely busy and stressful lifestyle! I made such wonderful and lifelong friends that I know somehow via internet, around town or whatever venue I sell my goods.....we will always be connected! Thanks Waxahachie and the area for all of your support!
P.S. Be watching for some great items I will be posting for sale this week on my blog. I've got many great items left from our Fall shows that I do not want to store until next Fall. SO, it's time to clean house!
Where to find us around the area........
Be sure to check out a sampling of our bows at Pete & RePete located in historic downtown Waxahachie,TX ! You will also find our kids collection, jewelry and more of our favorite gift lines at Spoiled Rotten in Midlothian, TX. And we are still doing Canton(yes, I know, it's an addiction.....I can't quit! LOL!) We are located in Trade Center III next to the Arbors on the Main Grounds during the First Monday Trade Days each month! Stop in and see us! At Canton we carry all of our personalized items for children/teens as well as our extensive line of flip-flops/shoes! Great deals....come and see us! And of course I have been doing lots of photography....I'll share more portraits tomorrow!
P.S. A special hug to my wonderful hubby! Today marks the 6th anniversary of our 1st date(blind date!). It was Feb. 16 which was a Saturday as well! He brought home some beautiful roses for me today! I love you Scott and you are the light of my life!!!!! Flowers 3 times in one week......you are spoiling me! :0)
I will post more later! Have a blessed day and leave a comment if you have time!